Monday, March 22, 2010

Happy cats heal the soul

Sorry its been a while since I last updated! Things have been busy but there's plenty of news to share.

Last Monday we bought Luna inside to begin the introduction process. After one day she met the other cats in the house. After 2 days she had discovered the whole house. After 3 days she was settled, the boys had accepted her, and it was like she had been here since forever.

Here she is on Tuesday:


Its a true fairy-cat tale, and I think both the boys and the girls smelling each other on me for the past few weeks meant a lot of the introducing had already taken place!

At the start of last week I sought some advice in relation to Cherry. Although she is happy, playing, and eating, her coat hadn't improved as much as the others. Sardines in Oil was the remedy suggested, so I added two cans into a meal every day.

In less positive news, Thorn escaped the cage on Tuesday. Unfortunately being on heat has made her very interested in the outside world, and silly me grabbed her when she was running around the backyard, ending with one scared cat, many scratches, and deep tissue damage to my right hand. The moral of the story is, when scared, a cat trusts no-one but herself. So, when faced with a scared cat, don't try to hold them down!

Thankfully Thorn spent the afternoon in the neighbours front yard, and came home safe and sound shortly after we returned home from work. I wont show you the photos...

In other news, I turned 24 on Friday! 

Also, on the weekend we headed to the Bay of Fires for our annual Autumn Equinox camping trip. This was made possible because Cassie and Meri-ann babysat the girls for me while I was away - thank you!!

Because Robbie did most of the feeding after my injuries, and then we went away, on our return I was amazed at the difference in Cherry's coat! I am so excited that the Sardines have made such a difference, and just had to share:





I gave the pen a good sweep out, and decided to rearrange the furniture - my good friend Lauren donated me a cat tower her girls don't use any more, and the girls loved the new edition!

New arrangement

Thorn checks out the view

Willow and her game face

Willow, Queen of the Tower

The rest of the girls are looking great too!



Ash is looking great as well! Today was the first day that I have patted her, and not felt her spine. She is a very solid girl now, and seeing as she was the thinnest out of the girls, this is a very satisfying achievement!




Ash does this gorgeous paw lifting when you pat her, its as if she's trying to express how much she loves snuggles!

I tried to weigh the girls tonight, finally, but didn't have much luck getting them in the bag without them freaking out (must use treats next time).

I did weigh Thorn and Ash though, and I'm excited to say Thorn weighs 3.94kg, and Ash 4.48kg! They have nearly doubled in weight since being with me. Thorn is still very slender, but the progress is fantastic, especially seeing as today I've had them for 4 weeks exactly.

One last shot of the girls watching me clean:



  1. I'm so excited! We can't wait to bring Thorn home - I'm so glad she's doing so well, along with the other kitty-babies.

    What weight does she need to be to be desexed? Are you all good for food and litter?

  2. She's a bit of a weapon Terri, I think you'll really enjoy her! She's a very out there cat, into everything, demands cuddles NOW, and meows happily away to herself. Cute as.

    Not sure on how heavy she has to be, I plan on calling and finding out today. She is still small and slender to look at, but I dont think she'd be classified as 'emeciated' any more. Because she's calling (and trying to escape!) I'd like to get her done as soon as I can, and vet checked, so she can join you in your new home!

    Food and litter is a constant need, but thanks to some generous donations its not causing too much havoc on the budget. Thankfully the things they love the most, being chicken necks and roo meat, I'm getting really cheap or free!

    I'm finding at the moment that they are a bit bored, so I'm trying to think of ways to keep them amused when I'm not there - any ideas would be great!

  3. hey, when you weigh them why dont you hold them and then just minus your weight from the total and that should give you their weight.. shouldnt it?

  4. Kendal I haven't been able to find human scales that go down to .00, but I'll give it a go with the analog scales I have - some idea of weight is better than nothing!
